Offer Apprenticeships

Learn how you can offer apprenticeships in your workplace


Here at WS Training, we can support and show you how you can best use the apprenticeship funding to bridge the skills gap based on the needs of your business and can also offer a 360° recruitment service at no cost, working closely with the National Apprenticeship Service.

We strive to find only the candidates with the ability to enhance your workplace, interviewing and screening applicants to ensure you’re presented with the best possible candidates for your business.

What is an apprenticeship?

  • Apprentices are aged 16 or over and combine working with studying to gain skills and knowledge in a specific job.
  • Apprentices can be new or current employees.
  • You could be entitled to government funding to cover some of the cost of training and assessing an apprentice if you’re in England.
  • You must pay the apprentice at least the minimum wage.
  • Your apprentice must:
    • work with experienced staff
    • learn job-specific skills
    • study during their working week.

Hiring your apprentice?

Please call the recruitment team at WS on 01473 220220 to discuss your apprenticeship requirements further.

How long does it last?

Apprenticeships must last for at least one year.

Please see our “Apprenticeships we offer” page for particular programmes lengths of stay.

What are the benefits to the employer?

  • Most employers want staff trained in the workplace, not in a classroom, on state of the art equipment which often only the employer has.
  • When a member of staff attends a college the employer loses them for a day, which they are paying for, even though the learner is normally only studying for a few hours.
  • The employer has better control and involvement over what training is being given when the training is being delivered on site.

Case Study

Is offering one right for you?

  • Grow your team while keeping staff costs down
    The average apprenticeship completer increases business productivity by £214 per week.*
  • Make hiring simpler and cheaper
    High-quality training providers help you with the entire process: recruiting an apprentice, customising a training programme, accessing funding, and much, much more.
  • Develop new recruits to meet your needs
    82% of employers take on apprentices to build the skills capacity within their businesses.
  • Flexibility for existing employees
    Free up your existing workforce so they can do what they do best.
  • Give your team new skills and energy
    96% of apprentice employers say they are beneficial to their business.
*Source: National Apprenticeship Service ‘Employer Guide to Apprenticeships’.

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